Rahul Vernwal

CS Major, IIT Kharagpur

HERB (Home Exploring Robot Butler) - Motion Planning

HERB is a bimanual mobile manipulator comprised of two 7-DoF Barrett WAM arms on a Neobotix base, and Pan-Tilt Schunk PW70 for a neck. It is equipped with a suite of image and range sensors, including the Carnegie Robotics MultiSense SL and a Structure Sensor. I tested my algorithms on various constrained space environment for HERB.

UR10 (Universal Robots) - Full Stack

UR10 is the largest robot in the Universal Robots collaborative series with 6-DoF and a payload of upto 10 kg. I worked on creating end to end system to demo box stacking through this robotic arm.

RoboCup SSL Bots - Software Stack

Member of a team of undergraduates working together to build autonomous soccer playing robots and compete in annual RoboCup league. In particular I work on perception, motion planning, controls and decision making systems.